Posts By: Dr. Vik

To give or not to give…

“Giving” is the only word that is on 2 lists, one list being Positive and the other being Negative: 1. Love, gratitude, hope, dreams, passion, GIVING, etc. 2. Hate, anger, resentment, jealousy, contempt, GIVING, etc. Many people I coach have a challenge with giving too much…time, money, emotion etc. until they feel there is nothing… Read more »

Do your own Experiment?

Why not? I experimented with my eating habits in April, the month before May’s Health Awareness Month. The experts say that 100 calories a day “extra” would pack on 10 pounds is the course of a year, so I decided to put it to the test. I started having dessert after all my dinners…what ever… Read more »

When you have a challenge…

Concerning another, and you want to get even – Don’t, that is small thinking. Understanding that when others give you the urge to get even, it is them and not you that has started the feelings, and it is up to us to keep the challenge with them. By accepting the challenge, we are playing… Read more »

We would all like to get…

Healthier overnight, but it doesn’t work that way By making healthier choices in our daily routine with regards to food and water intake, along with choices that will get our body moving a bit more than before, is really all that is needed to become healthier over time. You see, our body is continually being… Read more »

New vs. Old..?

In public, New is the deal. But what about private?? What is your uniform of choice?…you know what I mean…the old outfit you won’t wear in public, but love to wear around the house. These outfits usually have 3 criteria: They are paid for, comfortable and loose, and if someone tries to throw them out,… Read more »

Have you Graduated from…

The school of “Hard Knocks and Make Due? The ones that I have seen – are pretty good at figuring things out. “Street Smarts” are just as important as “school smarts”. Because “street smarts” are what we learn when we are on our own and we usually get instant feedback. There is nothing ethereal or… Read more »

Snap to it.

You know what I mean – get in gear, start the process, get it flowing. We can wait until we have all green lights and the moon is full, but that doesn’t happen very often, if at all. So we need to just get after it, and go for it, to let the world have,… Read more »


Is the quality or condition of being humble. In life… working as a family or a team, it allows things to get done, as there is no job too big or too small or insignificant for anyone to do. Humility takes the ego and arrogance out of the equation, creating the sum of smooth interaction… Read more »

Our body is a…

Captive audience…and it will only perform and take shape by what we feed it and what we make it do. Our body doesn’t go any where on it’s own…it can’t run away from us…or hide. Even when we feed it poorly and spend most of our time behind the computer or on the couch…It can’t… Read more »

On a recent plane trip…

I noticed that the Rocky Mountain Range looked really tiny. It’s kind of weird, but when we have a view of the total scene from high above, what we perceive as really big in every day life, looks small. Maybe we should remember that when we have challenges within our lives… Looking from high above… Read more »