Posts By: Dr. Vik

Gravity can’t hold down our dreams…

Either can life. Dreams are ours and no one else’s…and are part of the virtually world in make up and not part of the physical world, therefore dreams cannot be altered, changed or canceled by anyone or anything but us. So who is standing in the way of our dreams? Yours in “No one except… Read more »


Happiness is one of the keys to Health Awareness as it can make your life a joy to be living and there are some facts that just may surprise you about happiness. Research has shown that more money doesn’t necessarily help in the happiness department. Having just enough money to afford the basics, like food,… Read more »

Being productive…

Doesn’t always mean we have to do something. Some people I meet with, have trouble feeling good about themselves if they are not being productive…so they are always doing something, and thinking they are being productive. In most cases, they realize that “they are busy, but not getting things done”. When they understand that thinking,… Read more »

I viewed an interview in the past…

About a rising star in womens tennis. It was about Melanie Oudin, a 17 year old who is ranked 67 in the world for the upcoming US Open and placed in the top 16 at Wimbledon. Her coach for the past 8 years is Brian De Villers, and he has a theory of why there… Read more »

Being “Lucky”, is not…

Always being “Lucky”. Research states that “Lucky People”, get that way through some basic principles: 1. Seizing opportunities. 2. Creating self fulfilling prophecies and mindset, through positive expectations. 3. Maintaining a resilient attitude that turns “bad luck” around. Yours in “Becoming Lucky” – Coach

A uniform represents…

Purpose of duty. But simply wearing a uniform doesn’t represent the purpose of commitment. So whatever team you are wearing a uniform for, remember, it is our purpose of commitment that brings about a winning team. Yours in “Winning starts with Committing” – Coach


At work, is not only is talked about at work, but is brought home and talked about at home, making work and home a pleasure for the one who received the compliment and for those others around them. Regretfully, criticism has the same effect at work and at home, but not with the same results…. Read more »


Are not meant to stop our dreams. Obstacles are a way to figure out a way around them and a measurement of how bad we want it. – Dr. Vik, The Culture King

To give or not to give…

“Giving” is the only word that is on 2 lists, one list being Positive and the other being Negative: 1. Love, gratitude, hope, dreams, passion, GIVING, etc. 2. Hate, anger, resentment, jealousy, contempt, GIVING, etc. Many people I coach have a challenge with giving too much…time, money, emotion etc. until they feel there is nothing… Read more »