Posts By: Dr. Vik

If we had a Car Worth…

A Billion dollars, we would probably wax it and take care of it with great pride.. On the front on the30 Day Goal piece that I give out is a Billion Dollar bill. It represents that we are ALL worth at least a Billion Dollars. It may sound strange, but I ask the ones that… Read more »

Thought Range?

By keeping your thoughts in the range from neutral to positive, you are able to create the outcome in the same latitude. It is because our attitude and choices are derived from our thoughts…pretty simple. Your in Creating – Coach

Some Mountains…

Are easier to move. But looking at a mountain and knowing that we have to move the whole thing, is the exhausting part…so much so, that many times we don’t even start the process. So when wee look at some of the mountains that we need to move, we just need to take the process… Read more »

Is it, “Sorry to see you…

Go” – or – “Happy to see you leave”, when it comes to what the close ones in our lives, say about us? We know which one it should be, but the truth may be a bit different, depending if we are givers, which helps all things get better, or if we are takers, which usually makes things get… Read more »

If that Diet and Exercise…

…is taking the weight off too quickly…here’s some tips to gaining it back: 1. DON’T EXERCISE – Better yet, try to not move at all, this will keep your metabolism at the lowest level possible. So if you have to work, do it with little movement only and then get home ASAP and lie on… Read more »

Talk is cheap…

Many talk a great story but seem to stay in their rut, as time goes by. Opportunities are abundant and are there for the taking, all we have to do is be willing to do it. – Dr. Vik, The Culture King

“I couldn’t help out more…

If I were a crutch”. Could be a great motto for us if we are in the Service Business, and when we really think about it, we are all in the Service Business in our everyday lives, or at least, we should be. Serving others is always a great plan – no matter what we… Read more »

Whatever you’re selling…

I’m buying! Wouldn’t that be nice, in our personal lives or in business? Absolutely, people lining up and buying what we got! People will buy anything…as long as we give them what they want….so what are we selling? Selling a bad attitude, or poor service? Selling others, for a one sided gain, or to make… Read more »

Sometimes our “best friend”…

Can be our best friend. In living life, we can get consumed or even have our blinders on, in certain situations or with the direction were are attempting to go…simply because we are part of our deal, which makes our decisions subjective. A best friend is a good resource to help us along the way,… Read more »

In your “Next Life”…

You can do it differently. You can choose to be someone else. But I’m having so much fun, that in my “Next Life”… I want to come back as me! – Dr. Vik, The Culture King