Do you want an area of your body…

To look the way you want it to?

Perfect New Years resolution…just “Wake it up”!

And we’re talking, waking it up with movement.

Moving any part of your body, consistently over time…allows what’s really underneath to start to reveal itself.

This is simply because when you are moving an area, it increases the blood supply – allowing for good stuff to get in and the waste to get out.

Increase movement also helps to unlock the “stored” energy, glycogen, in the fat cells in the immediate area for metabolic use, and helps decrease the size of the fat cells.

So, all in all, Movement in any area can help you get what you want.

Yours in “Movement” – Coach

One Response to “Do you want an area of your body…”

  1. Sue

    Hey you.

    I have no need right now for your personal insight. Although, for what it is worth, I think you are “dead-on” (most of the time).

    I just wanted to say that in the VERY short time that i had with you………… are the “genuine” article

    I send you love and light………….


    PS: I have an extensive background in organisational development consulting in multiple countries so iF YOU EVER need contacts………ask me….k?