Posts By: Dr. Vik

Experiences have…

A lot to teach, and that is why we should take the good and the bad with a learning approach. We don’t always get things right the first time, that lesson started for all of us when we learned to walk. And experience comes over time…”we can’t put an old head on new shoulders”. Remember… Read more »

The older the berry…

The sweeter the juice. Yes, since things mature over time and with age, they can be harvested to bring out the maximum desired results. But in today’s society, the “McDonald’s” factor of wanting it now and demanding a forced result before it’s ready, often times, makes us “pick it” before it’s ripe. We must be… Read more »

People change when they’re ready…

But sometimes we forget that. I have coached many because they are having a tough time trying to change someone. Like…”I lent my best buddy Joe some cash and he hasn’t paid me back”? Then we get to Joe’s deal…he only works when he wants to, always broke and has filed bankrupcy in the past…. Read more »

Big Week?

You Betcha! Every week is big for us, that’s the way we roll! And in our efforts towards our big week, it’s best that we handle the little things such as cleaning, housework, laundry and all of our other affairs, so that we can focus on our big week. I know it doesn’t seem that… Read more »

Right down the Pipe…

It’s baseball season…and that’s the phrase used when it comes to what the batters want to see their pitch to be – “right down the pipe”. It allows the batter to swing confidently and not be confused by an off speed pitch or a breaking ball that is hard to follow. The phrase can also… Read more »

We are constantly …

Moving forward in our lives. And we can be moving towards opportunity or away from it…all our choice. This is based on our thoughts, decisions and actions that arise from them. So we must me mindful and understanding…Are we moving along a path that will meet very few choices…or many choices? Yours in “Thought” –… Read more »

Battle vs War?

General Lee, in the Civil war, sure was successful in the battles he led, but they lost the war. The same with Hannibal in his quest to burn down Rome…he won virtually all his battles, but never succeeded in his end result, to destroy Rome. Great efforts, but the end result of the battles was… Read more »

If we act from…

The heart, we never make a mistake. The heart has no vengeance, retribution nor malice…that comes from the brain. The heart has passion, compassion and love. So let’s all act from our hearts and we can never go wrong. Yours in “From the Heart” – Coach

Stop chasing…

And start embracing! Got that one from my friend Snowy, National Sales Manager at Oneill! We may all feel like we are chasing our own tail, in these times, and we need to start embracing what is real in our lives. Let’s focus on what really matters…like our friends and family, and be thankful for… Read more »

There is Order in the Universe…

As there should be in our lives. The opposite of Order is Chaos. There can be occasional spots of chaos or “transitions” in the universe and in our lives, yet it is, and should be, occasional at most. So if you have a touch more chaos in your life than there should be, maybe it… Read more »