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Roughage or Fiber?

Fiber is the most commonly accepted word relating to a dietary essential. And back when I grew up, it was… “eat your roughage” – accompanied by a swift smack to the back of the head. I either case, parents are right…eat your fiber …or roughage for us that grew up “back in the day”. It… Read more »

True Pride…

Is built from the things you have done that you have been proud of. It doesn’t fall from the sky. And recently, I know of many that have added a bit of pride to their life:) So if you need a little more “Pride in your Stride”…you know what to do. Yours in “Doing things… Read more »

A big question that is often asked is…

How do I get motivated? Great question…we can either use the “Carrot or the Stick”…you know, in getting a donkey to do something…use the carrot in the front, or the stick from behind – all to get the donkey moving forward… We can so the same with ourselves – whatever works. In using a “Carrot”… Read more »

Send a letter to get a letter…

That’s the old school phrase for “Pay it forward”. I started many generations ago, and most likely when people started writing letters. “Send a letter to get a letter” conveyed message is that you must first do…in order for anything to be received. Newton’s 3rd law of motion even states: “Every action has an equal… Read more »

WOW – that feeling…

Of accomplishing what we have been working on, for a long time, is one of the best feelings in the world! A daunting project or task, that pushes us past what we thought were our limits, always has that sweet reward of a great feeling of accomplishment. We have all felt it, with many of… Read more »

Seeing the whole…

Picture of what is going on is paramount for us to figure out what to do, and who’s advice to take. When we look at only a snippet of what actually is going on, we can really get jipped by taking action or taking advice without seeing the “whole enchilada”. So let’s all take a… Read more »

Are You in Control?

Yes, you are in Control! In the fast paced world we live in it often times seems as though we are not in control of our lives and we are consistently being ordered to do this or do that by our jobs, our relationships and our commitments. The truth is that we have chosen all… Read more »

What’s your Fun Day?

Not that we can’t have fun everyday…but what is the day you designate specifically for fun? We pick Saturday – It’s our day when nothing has to be done, but countless things could be. Waking up with the day planned for fun, or open for fun, is a pretty exciting day to have within your… Read more »

If most every day…

Is a busy day – you have done a great job…it’s better than being bored. Pressure is a Privilege, and allows us to grow. Pressure from exercise makes our muscles grow stronger. Pressure from obstacles makes us think harder, on how to get around it. Without pressure we become weak and lazy…so embrace your busy… Read more »

We all make choices…

Everyday, which effects us everyday. But sometimes the “Big” choices come up and we don’t always know if we are making the right decision. Well, nothing can guarantee that we are making the right choices, but there are some safeguards the we can be mindful of when the “Big” choices come up, and they are:… Read more »