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We can all increase…

Our chances for a long and healthy life, simply by doing things that will result in a long and healthy life. We all know about eating and eating healthy stuff, so maybe we should just do a bit more. Exercise is paramount in keeping the body young. “if we don’t use it, we lose it”… Read more »

Romance doesn’t only…

Have to mean turning up the intensity on a love relationship. Romance can be part of all that we do. When we see the beauty in everything we see, we can fall in love with all that there is. Looking at nature can be a beautiful sight, and what ever we eat can be delicious…just… Read more »

Balance is not just about…

Our personal and professional lives, it has to do with our emotions, as well. Staying in balance with our emotions can help us to best handle all the “moving parts” in our lives, which, for all of us, is sometimes too many to count. Keeping our emotions within balance or “in check” allows for the… Read more »

All we truly need…

For motivation and even inspiration, is a good Purpose. A Purpose is simply a reason for doing something. And for us, our reason, can be all our own. Do we eat well, to lose weight, feel better or look good in our swimsuits? Are we nice, to have people like us, to make others feel… Read more »

Your can’t burn…

The crazy candle at both ends, otherwise there is nothing left in the middle. So get crazy when you need to, just remember not to burn it at both ends. Yours in “Balance” – Coach

What’s the deal about “regrets”?

A popular saying is: “I don’t have any regrets, because I am happy in my life now, and the regrets were just part of my journey that got me to where I am at today”. That’s true, because in the above saying, they would most likely be talking about learning a simple lesson – that’s… Read more »

“Finding My Passion”…

Is one of the most asked about topics I receive. To find your Passion, just think of what you are passionate about, or what you find totally engaging to you, and when you do it or think about it, time flies by. Once we find our Passion, we can then seek out how we can… Read more »

Report card time?

If it were report card time for you…what would you give yourself as a grade? And since we are social beings, what grade would others give you? Answer those questions with sincerity and you are on your way. Your in Always Learning – Coach

I remember great…

But forget even better. That’s why we should always write things down, that we want to do and do them when the timing is right. Otherwise, what we need to get done, keeps swirling around in our heads, until we forget what we needed to get done. So let’s all write down, what we need… Read more »

We’ve talked about…

“What we give is what we get”. It is something we have all learned in grade school. If we did D work, we got a D…and if we did A work we got an A. Why is it that when we grow up, some of us expect an A lifestyle, when we produce D work?… Read more »