Don’t really know why…

But there has been several people recently, independent of one another, that have asked me how they can better “like themselves”.

Easy question, tough answer.

It would seem that “liking oneself” would come easy, but not always…that’s why bringing up self-talk and self esteem are 2 of the 3 things we go over in the Coaching Workshops that deal with getting our minds right.

Liking ourselves is a balancing act and we need to get the balance started by upping our self talk and self esteem to where at least others see us. And then we need to understand that, as humans, we make mistakes, it’s OK – and not get down on ourselves too much.

Then we can switch our focus on what is good and great about us, instead of what’s we don’t really like…then, we can be free to “like oneself” – because seriously – What’s not to love?

Yours in “Starts with You” – Coach