Posts Categorized: Dr Vik’s latest news

Value is judged…

By the Person. I have witnessed a ton of choices made by the ones I have the pleasure to work with on goal setting. They pick something or an area in their life that is valuable to them to acquire, achieve or get done and the range of choices is really all over the chart…. Read more »

The Majority of Americans…

Work for a company. And the majority of the employees also somehow think things should run smoothly or be perfect, all of the time. But in Reality, society and companies run like anything else in this world…just like our lives, there are ups and downs, twists and turns and occasional challenges. So at our workplace,… Read more »

A lot of Inspiration and Motivation…

Comes from Recognition. Why not? I don’t think anybody wants to do anything for a long period of time without recognition. That’s the very reason many golfers don’t play alone…for if they hit a great shot, there was no one there to see it. So recognize others for their efforts and contributions…and it will give… Read more »

Sharing is…

Caring. That’s from our very own Illustrious Fred! He’s right – and we innately learned it when we were kids – you remember – when you cared about someone – you shared, and when you didn’t – they got nothing. But as we grow older, we also begin to understand that sharing is just a… Read more »

Money Matters…

We haven’t talked much about money…it doesn’t make a life, but it helps keep you living… I’ve worked with many people on all ends of the money scale. From a single parent raising 3 kids on her own putting $100 into savings every month, to adults, living with their grandparents with only an $80 cell… Read more »

Occasionally, we get…

Out of bed with our “C” game. Doesn’t matter much if we stay at home, by ourselves, and don’t interact with anyone. But those instances are rare. We may wake up with our “C” game but we must leave our house with our “A” game. Why? For starters, that’s like us – and we can… Read more »

Are you Proud…

Of your life? Pretty daunting question. But, for the moment, drop the regrets and some of the little things that we all have undoubtedly messed up on, or could have done better, if we had another chance. Step back and take a look at the Big Picture of your Life, by the broad strokes that… Read more »

Move it, Move it.

There are times when we need to get going, especially when we face challenges. “When the coals get hot, we need to move our feet”, otherwise we get burned. And “When we are playing with Elephants, we need to move quickly, or we get stepped on”. Good things to know, because there are times when… Read more »

Haven’t made your life plans yet?

No worries. There is no late bell, or deadline. When you are ready, you are ready…keeping it as a priority in taking YOUR life to the “Next Level” will be motivator enough. Simply writing down a plan to meet a conceived deadline will produce empty results. Keep thinking, dreaming and planning and you will roll… Read more »