Bad always hurts…

And good always helps.

That is a good thing to remember, when it comes to our thoughts.

Thinking good is paramount in having our bodies chemistry working at it’s best, allowing our health to be tops, and thinking good also helps us to focus on the positive…which allows us to have the positive come into our lives.

And the reverse happens when when our thoughts and thinking is bad.

So all in all, it starts with our thoughts – focusing on good or bad…and our lives will follow suit.

Yours in Choice – Coach

The chain of Command…

Usually brings about a chain of emotion.

Focusing on what an employee does wrong, instead of what they do right, begets the employee focusing on what others are doing wrong, instead of what they are doing right.

Empowering an employee for their talents and skills, translates to the employee empowering others for their talents and skills.

And in each case, the chain of emotion, mirrors the chain of command.

Yours in “Choice” – Coach

Challenge Sleeping? “Cool your Jets”!

Since your body temperature drops to it’s lowest while you sleep, doing what you can to help it out will increase your chances of falling asleep and remaining there.

Research is divided whether the drop in body tempurature is the reason you go to sleep or a by product of minimizing movement, in either case, keeping the room cool and slowing things down, is your way of helping the process.

Good Luck!

– Dr. Vik, The Culture King

Life has it’s serious moments…

Where we have to “buckle down” and focus and handle, what needs to be handled.
But it doesn’t mean that we have to be serious all the time.
Having fun, like when we were kids, without a worry in the world, has it’s place in our lives, even as “gown ups”.
So if we catch ourselves being too serious, when we should really be having fun, we need to switch it around…pronto.
Yours in “More wag, and less bark” – Coach

Power and Money…

May seem to be a great thing to have or possess, yet some of the richest and most powerful people I know, don’t really have it or posses it, it possesses them.

The truth about power and money is:

1. You either have it
2. Want it
3. Or are afraid of losing it

Yours in “Something to think about” – Coach

We can’t put…

“What we get out of it”, before we give “What we put into it”.

It’s the “Pay it Forward” kind of deal.

Seems as though we are living in the days of immediate gratification, and many seem to focus on what they get out of something without putting anything into it.

It’s just not the way things work…

We need to “put into it”, before we can expect anything in return…and even then, we may not get anything back, in the short term…but in the long run it’s just the right thing to do.

Yours in “Doing the Right Thing” – Coach