We all make Mistakes…

It’s OK, we’re human, but the deal is that we need to “own it”.

Passing the buck, shifting the blame, and being the victim are all really cute ideas but don’t really handle the situation, although some think they do.

Oh, and the masters of the one’s who don’t “own” their mistakes create all sorts of drama in a weak attempt to divert attention somewhere else.

We need to all remember that mistakes happen – we need to just “own it” – apologize – learn from it, and move on – that’s what Winners do.

Yours in “Owning it” – Coach

Same event, different descriptions??

Yes, research has shown time and time again that observation of the same event produces different descriptions of the event…how is that so??

It is because observations are made by people and people view things differently…why?…because they “flavor” the event on how they think or were thinking at the time of the event, making the observation subjective rather than objective, which varies the description.

This is because people think differently: some see the glass as half full and others see it as half empty. Some see the good in things and some see the bad.

It is up top you to choose how you observe events and “flavor ” them by your way of thinking. You can either choose being positive or negative which will in turn “flavor” the events in your life the same way.

Have you ever known some one to always be positive??? Events in their life also seem to be positive as well.

And you also know that person who would complain if they won the lottery…everything else in their life is negative as well.

You can’t always control the events in your life but you can control your view of the outcome.

– Dr. Vik, The Culture King

Just because someone…

Says “No” to you.

Doesn’t mean you have to say “No” to yourself!

We have all experienced more “No’s” in our lifetime than we would like to admit, and when you really think about it, they usually have come from someone not really understanding us, or what we were asking.

And the one who accepts the “No”, is really saying “No” to themselves, which is a shame, because it didn’t even come from them.

So always remember, no matter who says “No” to you, never say “No” to yourself…it’s just not right.

Yours in “Remember” – Coach

Think too much?

Some of us do, and that’s why we just need to get “out of our heads” once in a while and let things flow…and relish the moments.

What make us different from other species is our unique cognitive abilities of “thought” which allows us to process information and intellectualize.

It’s quite useful for opening a jar, typing on the computer or even understanding complex tasks, things a dog simply isn’t equipped to do.

But as we continually think, some of the beauty of the moments slip by, that’s why dogs may have it a bit better, in that department.

Remember, as Cesar Millan, the dog whisperer says, “a dog does not intellectualize, she just accepts and enjoys what the world gives her”.

Your is “Pretty Cool” – Coach

Gravity can’t hold down our dreams…

Either can life.

Dreams are ours and no one else’s…and are part of the virtually world in make up and not part of the physical world, therefore dreams cannot be altered, changed or canceled by anyone or anything but us.

So who is standing in the way of our dreams?

– Dr. Vik, The Culture King

There is nothing wrong…

With aiming high, but helping others to aim high with you, is even better.

You can reach the top mountain yourself, but then there is no one else there.

You can make a Billion, but without others, spending it on yourself would get boring.

You can reach the pinnacle of success alone, but where do you go from there.

Helping others as you aim high and help yourself, makes the journey and the end, just that much sweeter.

Yours in “Doing it Together” – Coach