Posts By: Dr. Vik

What is the tune…

That keeps playing in your head? It just may be part of the “tone” you are setting. To set any tone, one must create a vibration or “vibe”, with a certain frequency. Does your “vibe” give off energy, or suck energy from others? Do you give off a “vibe” of abundance or lack…or one that… Read more »

Trademark of great Leaders?

They make Decisions. Much thought is put in the process before decisions are made, and they sift through their choices to see what best fits, and is in alignment with the desired results. Once well thought out…there is little second guessing, and a commitment follows. This allows them to move forward – not standing still… Read more »

All of us have…

Challenges from time to time. And what has worked for me, and many that I have coached, is to put the challenges into proper perspective. What needs to be done is to stop everything…and take some time viewing things much bigger than yourself, like the ocean, the forest, the desert or the vast night sky…. Read more »

We never really know…

How far the ripples of our decisions and actions go. But since we are all powerful beyond measure, we must understand that they flow far beyond…just us. How far? Who knows, it’s not the point, just knowing they flow – is reason enough to be mindful of what we think and what we say and… Read more »

It’s easy to be a…

Monday morning quarterback, putting our two cents in, when the deal is over. And it’s even easier to chat from the cheap seats, and saying how we could have done it better, once it’s done. What is more difficult, is to put in our own input while the deal is still going. It’s not only… Read more »

Your Strengths

Everyone is has a strength or strengths. A strength is something you’re good at, and is something that is learned and developed over time, whereas talent is something you’re born with. So what are you good at, what do you like to do and what is your strength?? Some of us never really develop our… Read more »

The Greatest Joy of Living…

Is the Joy that comes from Giving. Sounds “corny” but it is true. Thinking back, we may first think that our greatest Joy has been when we have really excelled and taken things to the “Next Level” but when we really dig deep, it was the times when we saw another’s face when we gave… Read more »

Growing up…

…We all have something we want to be, or become when we grow up, and it’s usually focused around what we do to make a living. But we are all individuals and should not be simply measured by what we do for a living, to define who we are. So, taking your employment or how… Read more »

Antioxidants – What’s the deal??

An antioxidant is a molecule that helps slow or prevent oxidation of other molecules which can produce free radicals. Free radicals attack molecules by capturing electrons thereby changing molecular structures…starting chain reactions that damage cells. An antioxidant works by “giving up” an electron or electrons to other molecules, stopping or preventing the free radical and… Read more »

It’s not work…

It’s Practice. Spin it and Win it! By doing something on a repeated basis, we only get better at it as we do it. So why not think of it as practice and see just how good we can get. Remember, it’s not what we do, it’s how we do it. So whatever we do,… Read more »