Posts By: Dr. Vik

We can’t live forever…

And on first thought, it would be nice to. But what happens if we did live forever? Our family would die off and our friends would pass on too, leaving us all alone. So on second thought, maybe it’s not the best that we live forever, just do all we can with the one life… Read more »

Weight gain Secret?

You bet – Salt. Our bodies produce histamines when we are dehydrated and when we are hungry. When we are not mindful, we can’t tell the difference if we are hungry or thirsty. And snack food and fast food folks know it, that’s why they “salt it up”. Since salt helps retain water in our… Read more »

Did you know…

One of the greatest secrets in life is having both wisdom and patience? They go together splendidly. One can be wise and full of knowledge without a lot of common sense – as seen in the “absent minded professor”. Or one can have patience without wisdom, and it won’t get them very far. But Wisdom… Read more »

It’s only work…

When you would rather be doing something else. That’s also why people say you should find something you would like to do for “work” and you won’t be working anymore. Some have come to me having trouble with this concept…think of it this way…if you are happy while working, then it really isn’t work, is… Read more »

Focusing on just…

A few things, sometimes makes the experience better. No matter what we focus on, the focus raises all of our senses to take it all in. Unlike a Buffet…You’re eating a crab leg, thinking about the pizza, and you eat the pizza thinking about the roast beef, and you eat the roast beef thinking about… Read more »

Doing “Everything”…

And getting nothing done? Look around and we can see that people that are professionals make it look so easy, especially in sports. That’s because they “train it down” to only what works the best and is most efficient. “The good moves, don’t have a lot of movement”…and the Pro’s know that simplicity counts. Yours… Read more »

The less healthier we eat…

The less healthier we can eat. We all know the deal, when we do things that are good for us, or bad for us, it all has an accumulative effect. And when we continually eat unhealthy, our bodies have a buildup of what’s not the best for us, and it taxes the body more…and more,… Read more »

Tomorrow is going to be…

The Best day of my life! Today is Wednesday, and we had vegetable soup last night so we can splurge on tonight’s meal which just happens to be “Date Night”, plus I get to see my youngest get 2 awards at school today, which leads up to feeling pretty good about things. And tomorrow I… Read more »

Communication is not always…

What we say…it is what is heard, that completes the cycle. As “cloudy” communication results in: “I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure your realize that what you heard is not what I meant”. So if we want to have the end result of what we want… Read more »

Weight Gain and Soda Consumption???

Here’s the deal: Regular soft drinks contain large amounts of HFCS – High Frustose Corn Syrup, which impairs the feedback loop to your brain, resulting in you not being able to tell that you are full. This explains some of the people I coach that drink up to 12 regular sodas a day, and want… Read more »