Posts By: Dr. Vik

A great quote…

That we can all use to help us and others is from Aristotle: “Never discourage someone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow”. It’s good for us to know when dealing with others and even better to remember for ourselves. I have met with a lot of folks that have been discouraged in their… Read more »

A good friend…

Of mine in college, used to find money on the ground, wherever we went. Sounds weird, I know, but amazingly he would find $5, $10 and $20 bills just lying on the ground…while I never found anything. He told me his secret: “When I walk, I always look around on the ground, because that’s where… Read more »

What’s Good Posture?

YOU HAVE GOOD POSTURE – if you back up against a wall and your buttocks, back of shoulders and back of your head all touch the wall with no forced effort. IF YOU DON’T – you can change it…you see, Ligaments have mechano-receptors called golgi bodies…they are responsible for keeping the ligaments from stretching too… Read more »

Challenge Sleeping? “Cool your Jets”!

Since your body tempurature drops to it’s lowest while you sleep, doing what you can to help it out will increase your chances of falling asleep and remaining there. Research is divided whether the drop in body tempurature is the reason you go to sleep or a by product of minimizing movement, in either case,… Read more »

Don’t let go…

If you have a dream – don’t let go. If you have a plan and things seem to get in the way – don’t let go. If your sight gets clouded, remember you still have your vision – don’t let go. It is your life – don’t ever let go. Yours in “Hanging in there”… Read more »

Who are you spending…

Your time with? Whomever they are…are you appreciating them or just spending time with them? Chances are, the ones we spend the most time with…we also take for granted. Why? Because whatever we do on a repeated basis, goes into our subconscious, so we don’t have to think about things that are repetitive, saving our… Read more »

What is “your”…

Brand? You can say your brand is this or that, but… A brand is what people think of you, or what you are all about, and not what you think of yourself. So is the brand you give yourself, the same as the brand that others would give you, or is there a bit of… Read more »

The Best Investment…

We can ever make is in our Mind and Body…and learning new things to help us is Never a waste of time. We are not born with all the answers and secrets that will help us be as healthy as possible, and we might have even been raised with some things that are not so… Read more »

Being a Champion…

Often times, makes one stand out. And why not? Being a Champion usually means that there has been a lot of study, training and preparation in whatever the Champion has chosen to excel at. A Champion can either be born with talent or develop some pretty sweet skills that makes them “Best in Class”…and many… Read more »

Everyone you see today…

Has their own Challenges. Challenges are just part of the deal. Some may have health troubles or financial concerns, while others may be experiencing relationship woes…we’ve all got something – don’t kid yourself. And so do you. It’s life. Everything can be perfect, but for only a short while…because things change. We may want to… Read more »