Posts By: Dr. Vik

Putting our Life on Track…

Will allow us to go in our desired direction. And conversely, if our life is not on track, we end up going astray, and maybe to a destination where we didn’t plan on going to. In our day to day life, some of us get consumed with life, work, family and such, which occasionally gets… Read more »

IQ doesn’t Matter…

But the “I Can” does. No matter how smart we are, it doesn’t replace or substitute for the “I Can” attitude. With “I can”, we can be lacking in the “smarts” department, and achieve what we set out to achieve, as we may not know better, and can’t see the obstacles. As a matter of… Read more »

Not Enough Time??

Sometimes it may seem that way, but there really is enough time. You really choose all the things that take your attention and time. Therefore, you have the premiere ability to prioritize what really does warrant your attention and time. What YOU choose will have a direct relationship of the qualitiy of YOUR life. –         … Read more »

A good thing is never cheap…

…and a cheap thing is never good. The lady who invented the windshield wipers with 5 mini blades tried to sell her invention for under $10 a pair – sales were flat. She went to a consultant that said she should sell them for $19.95 – sales took off and went through the roof! It… Read more »

Eating Junk Food…

…on a consistent basis, drains the body of it’s vital energy. The body channels it’s healing forces to repair tissues…sustaining life, and it also is forced to clean up the sub-natural waste that that is left, when a diet high in junk foods is continually pumped into it. As a result, the body becomes weakened… Read more »

Some of us run away from…

Success and some of us Run away from Failure. In either case, we are running away from something which puts us in the position of reacting, and not in control. Why not Run towards something…then we are responding and it allows us to be the one in control. – Dr. Vik, The Culture King

It’s our choice.

We can choose to view our lives and everything in it either positively or negatively. We can choose to focus on the good in people or pick on their lack or what we believe they should do. Yes, it is our choice to choose our attitudes and perceptions regarding everything in our lives, and we… Read more »

Sometimes, you just got to…

“Bust it down…Legendary”. That’s right – Do what you do best and make it Shine. Why hold back?…the world would love, and most likely need, what you have inside, busting to get out. So put the pedal to the metal and floor it when you get the green light, we are all waiting to see… Read more »

Say what you mean…

And mean what you say…but don’t say it mean. We have all hear that it is all about the delivery, when it comes to saying something to someone. That’s why its vital for us to match our delivery with the content and context of what we are saying. For with a matching delivery, it’s very… Read more »

When we make a Blame Sandwich…

We have to be prepared to eat it ourselves. Yes, blame is our effort to put our perceptions of a situation directly on another, but the real deal is that blame always comes from us, and always boomerangs back at some point. You see, blame is part of a problem or challenge and it simply… Read more »