Posts By: Dr. Vik

Are you…

“Dolling up” today? Sometimes it’s easy on those cold rainy days, just to bundle up, throw on a hat and call it a day…sometimes we need those days, and sometimes we don’t. Occasionally, when it’s gloomy outside, it pays pretty good dividends to wake up, do a little exercise and hit the shower to start… Read more »

A big question that is often asked is…

How do I get motivated? Great question…we can either use the “Carrot or the Stick”…you know, in getting a donkey to do something…use the carrot in the front, or the stick from behind – all to get the donkey moving forward… We can so the same with ourselves – whatever works. In using a “Carrot”… Read more »

One word that…

Seems to say it all, is the word “Stellar” If someone said us that we have done a “stellar job or performance”…we would know exactly what they mean. So let’s put our best efforts in the things that matter most, to make them Stellar. And when we see someone else that has achieved such acclaim,… Read more »

Many of us have our time off…

Where we can cut loose or just relax. And that’s great – we all need to balance out. But does our time off also contain “quality” time? We can all work and relax, but that only takes in consideration our lives, and is the right ticket if we are alone and have no friends or… Read more »

Ah sleep…

Nothing like a good nights sleep! And occasionally, we don’t get what we need. With a good nights sleep, we feel refreshed, have great energy and our “can do” attitude allows us to do most anything with ease. But without good sleep, the simplest tasks, can be overwhelming. Understanding that sleep, or the lack of… Read more »

Tolerance and Acceptance…

Why not? We are all different and not everyone can fit in right from the start…it takes time for both sides to get accustomed to each other. History has shown us time and again, with the not so nice names given to every new generation of a different race that enters our country. The names… Read more »

Junk in the Skull?

If so, it may be time to go on a Brain Diet. To replace the Junk in the Skull, feeding it a diet of Positive items just may do the trick. An appetizer of enjoyment and laughter would be a great start…and reading Inspirational and Positive material could be the main course, and follow it… Read more »

Do you Major in Minor Things??

If you do, it is up to you to change it up. When people Major in Minor Things, it is usually because they are off focus or have no plans or goals in life. It happens in all ages but is more evident in some retired couples…with nothing to do and all day to do… Read more »

Whatever happens…

Control the outcome? Yet since the only thing we control is ourselves, maybe we can be a bit more specific and say…control the outcome and how it effects us. Want to control the outcome in the  stock market and not have it effect us? – Don’t play. Want to control the outcome of your friends… Read more »

If we really want to get something done…

All we need to do, is focus on it. We’re not just meaning giving it some occasional attention, but to make it part of most every move we make and part of our vocabulary. Just like Bubba, in the movie “Forrest Gump”. Where all he can think about is shrimp. He’s going to open a… Read more »