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A good thing is never cheap…

…and a cheap thing is never good. The lady who invented the windshield wipers with 5 mini blades tried to sell her invention for under $10 a pair – sales were flat. She went to a consultant that said she should sell them for $19.95 – sales took off and went through the roof! It… Read more »

Eating Junk Food…

…on a consistent basis, drains the body of it’s vital energy. The body channels it’s healing forces to repair tissues…sustaining life, and it also is forced to clean up the sub-natural waste that that is left, when a diet high in junk foods is continually pumped into it. As a result, the body becomes weakened… Read more »

Say what you mean…

And mean what you say…but don’t say it mean. We have all hear that it is all about the delivery, when it comes to saying something to someone. That’s why its vital for us to match our delivery with the content and context of what we are saying. For with a matching delivery, it’s very… Read more »

Fix it…

Or Patch it? Some things work out great with either…but usually depends upon timing. Occasionally we need a quick patch to keep us going, for a short bit, because stopping to fix it may take us out of the game and could bring about some unwanted results. And other times, a patch just won’t let… Read more »

We may never live…

In a Perfect World, but we can sure make our Lives Great. No matter what happens around us, we have the choice to focus on the greatness around us or the imperfections. Perfection is actually over rated anyway, nothing is perfect and we shouldn’t expect them to be. So if things are perfect, or going… Read more »


To have your dreams come true… it boils down to the help of others. Have you been helping others so that you own dreams come true? Yours in helping others – Coach

Spin it and Win it…

Or Spin it 2 Win it…pretty much the same thing…they both make things better.. Just put whatever challenges that are in front of you, and all of the challenges from the past, and “Spin” them into a positive or a lesson. That way, You make it All Good…even when things may not seem that way,… Read more »

An employee question about the 80/20 rule…

For Goal Setting. “I was hoping you could either expand on or point me in the right direction regarding this philosophy.  I am having a hard time with the balance of this rule and how to apply it to my life. Is it… 12 minutes each hour? 4.8 hours each day? 1.4 days each week?… Read more »

I Thank My Competitors

My competitors do more for me than my friends. My friends are too polite to point out my weaknesses, but my competitors go to great lengths to tell me all of them. My competitors are efficient and diligent. They make me search for ways to improve my service and efficiencies. My competitors would take my… Read more »

Ask Yourself…

Am I better than this? Look around…your life – relationships, your effort, work, family, exercise, eating. Some areas may need a little more attention. It’s OK – for sometimes we are doing so many things that we don’t remember to take the time to assess where we are, and what area needs more attention. So… Read more »