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When we can’t seem to…

Get our heads around things, it may be because it’s our head…is what gets in the way. We think too much…which only gives us our own perspective, which is purely subjective. Looking at our challenges from an outside perspective, or another’s viewpoint, always helps us out with clarity…looking from the “outside” and the solution is… Read more »

We all know…

The folks in our lives, where a discussion tends to end up in a disagreement…when we have an opposing opinion. We often forget and disagree with that person, which virtually always ends up in a “spat”. We don’t have that challenge with others – so we must remember that the challenge is part of “their… Read more »


Is the best of the worst…and the worst of the best. Average is a size 10 shoe…which I last fit into in 5th grade. Average is being the same as rest, common, ordinary, as expected. Average is an estimate, to reduce to a mean. Yours in Being Different – Coach

We all have a blank…

Check for new construction in our lives. It just all depends on what we how much we want to spend, and what we want to spend it on. By looking at our lives, it becomes pretty clear what we have been spending, and how much. Yours in “Making Investments” – Coach

What happened?

I was “Fresh” this morning? Yes, straight out of bed and into the shower, clean clothes and your battery fully charged to meet the day with considerable relish! Then as the day goes on, things start to drag a bit, and at bedtime, you are fully shot? Just the way things go. It would be… Read more »

Looking towards the Future!

The best days of our lives that we have experienced are obviously in the past, and many people have let me know of them in precise detail. The common thread was that their best days were all positive! Since we play out our dominant thoughts in reality…being positive and staying overall positive…it only makes sense… Read more »

Grateful and Thankful?

Being Grateful and Thankful are 2 major keys in living in abundance. The Universe seems to reward people who have the constant attitude of being grateful and thankful because when you are in that state of mind you attract more of what you are thankful and grateful for. The opposite is also true, if you… Read more »

Many times we…

Compare our “worst” to everyone’s “best”. We just want to see how we stack up against the competition, nothing wrong with that. But in doing so, we sometimes set ourselves up for failure, if we don’t think about all the things we are good at. We can’t be good at everything and there are many… Read more »

In Planning Our…

Future, we need to focus on abundance and not lack. I have dealt with many, that have focused on the risks and challenges that may come into play, which shifts the focus to what they don’t want – “lack” vs. what they do want. We need to understand the risks an challenges, but be focused… Read more »

Being a “Winner”…

I have talked about being a “Winner” in my workshops and my coaching. It is meant to be used for Positive Self Talk (PST). By guiding your PST, you can raise the level of not only your self talk but raise your self esteem as well. These are the 2 out of the 3 building… Read more »