Reinforce Positive rather than Negative??

So many people reinforce negativity without even knowing it, especially when they have an invitation of “How are you?”

Many respond to the question of “How are you?” with “Tired” or “Not good” or with some other response or body language that indicates they are not doing well.

What this does is focus on what’s wrong and it also gets others to  focus on what’s wrong with you instead of what’s right…so you get a two-fer…YOU focusing on the negative and someone else hearing/supporting it.

NEWS ALERT: Everyone has trouble in their life or is hurting a little, so everyone can let others know how bad they are doing, but what’s the use?? It only puts the dominant thought and focus on the negative, which when that happens, you get more of it.

So focusing on what’s good is the key…you may have to “Fake it ’til you Make it”, but it’s all good. It will just help you talk about the positive and in that way you will get more of it.

Yours in “I’m doing Terrific” – Coach

7 Responses to “Reinforce Positive rather than Negative??”

  1. Catemckenzie

    I know that the automatic response to this question if it isn’t “tired,” is usually just “fine.” For me, I always try to throw in a more lively adjective like “fantastic” or “great” or “amazing,” and I say it with emphasis. Not only does it make me smile, but it usually makes the person that asked smile as well, and their response is something similar. It might not revolutionize their day, but every smile helps! And it might just make their day a little bit more amazing than it was!

  2. Docswife

    When asked how he’s doing, Zig Zigler responds, “Fantastic” now how is that for a response?

  3. Life Is Good

    I’ve seen Zig Zigler say Fantastic! His most famous quote is: “The best way to get rich is by helping others get rich themselves.” … and I’ve come to learn being rich isn’t just about money.

  4. afletcher

    What’s great is that I know that whenever passing by Dr. Vik in the hallways the exchange of “how are you’s?” are such a positive boost because I know know matter how I was feeling before, Dr. Vik’s positive outlook is contagious! All the wellness, health, and attitude tips are definitely given in a “pay it forward” fashion to those close to me. I know the positive vibes are far reaching!!!!

  5. ZapVegas

    As I read in “Fish”, you bring your attitude with you everywhere you go and only YOU can determine the kind of day, week, month or even conversation you will have. If you understand this then you can make conscious decisions to have better interactions with people, better days at work, more “Quality Time” with those you care about and a better life for yourself. Its very easy to share negativity as it’s almost natural for a lot of people: do your best to NOT be one of THOSE people and you’ll notice a change almost instantly in all of those around you.

    Some may begrudge your positive attitude, but if they take the time to ask themselves “Why?” they feel that way they may find the root is themselves and not YOU. Keep your positive attitude with you at all times. Don’t put it in your pocket to try and “fit in”. Wear it on your chest with pride and great things will be possible because you’re making them happen.

  6. Rob Siefker

    Thanks for the message Coach. I totally agree with your assessment. Way too many people answer negatively to the “How are you?” question and it’s almost their way of making sure people don’t expect too much from them that day.

    We should always shoot for the best even if we come up short sometimes. There’s no reason to waste our time shooting for average. That just doesn’t cut it!

    Have a great day!

  7. Melcrawford

    WOW!!! I just wanted to share this awesome site Noel C. told me about it is Basically the site has started this movement for a complaint free world. You can sign up to get FREE bracelets that you move from one wrist to the other whenever you complain. It does take some time to get the bracelets. You can in the mean time do this same
    thing with a rubber band. See if you can make it the whole day with out changing wrists. I do it. It reminds me to speak with that positive energy. I appreciate everything I have a lot more. OH Yeah It is a religious site but pleas don’t be put off by it. This is something that can be applied to all our lives, no matter what your religious beliefs are.