Eating with the Seasons

I would like present a topic that has been the very foundation of our meals and food preparation since the dawn of civilization. We have been evolving by this way of eating, and only until recently has this process been disrupted.


Eating with the seasons allows us to eat what is normally available at any one given time of the year and is also what we have been doing with the exception of the last 100 years or so.

Our bodies have been adapting to what we eat and when we eat it and nature has been supporting it every step of the way. Take for example citrus, which comes in the winter, is full of vitamin C which helps with the immune system fending off sickness by keeping our cellular structure strong. Spring is when many of the fruits come, and fruits being “cleansers”, helping our body to clean out from the usually inactive winter. Summer brings the melons, full of water, helping us hydrate when the sun is the strongest. Fall brings the root vegetables and squash, more packed with starch to help us through the winter. And green vegetables are filled with calcium and only are around when there is sunshine because sunshine helps produce vitamin Din our body…the vitamin that transports calcium to our bones… and when the sun is out, we need stronger bones as we are usually more active.

So as you can see just with these few examples, there is an orchestra going on with the seasons and our body that we should listen to…it’s what got us here in the first place.

Yours in Season – Coach

2 Responses to “Eating with the Seasons”

  1. Djones

    This is good info. to have! Purchasing seasonal fruits and vegetables also helps the pocketbook.

  2. LC

    I LOVE this idea. I am going to make eating this way a new personal goal for me and my husband. It seems so simple and sensible, but I truly never thought of this concept before. Guess what I’m eating today? Strawberries!