
Is always a good thing, as it’s always nice to be served.

But there can be a difference in the quality in service given and received.

Someone just starting out learning how to serve, can be a bit awkward at first, as they are just learning the skill.

Even someone who has been doing it for a while, can give novice service, by just going through the motions, and not being mindful of honing their skills.

True Veteran Service is the goal.

Being mindful in the skill of service or delivering great service over time is what makes good service great, and turns novice service into Veteran Service…which is the cornerstone of all great relationships.

Yours in “Veteran Service” – Coach

One Response to “Service…”

  1. Cristy

    I am so glad to see that you are still publishing your daily empowering words of wisdom! It’s a fabulous way to start out my morning…