Meeting Expectations seems easy enough, but not all people do it.
You know the type: “I will be by to pick you up at 7:00 pm”. And at 7:45 pm…they finally show up.
You hire someone to do 3 things…they do 2 of them and bail.
You order fast food and you get home to see they left out the fries – what’s the big deal – it’s only 79 cents?
Well, it is a big deal – you should get what you expect, whether it is time, what you have agreed to, or a fast food order…and if you don’t, you feel jipped, and you don’t like it.
So whenever WE set expectations, let’s all follow through, because if we don’t deliver, the other person will feel just as bad as we did, when we didn’t get our fires.
Yours in “Meeting Expectations” – Coach