“You Lose some…

And you Win some”. Just the opposite of the saying, “You win some and you lose some”, but we like it better the first way.

We have 3 cats…the first 2 cats are always nice and then get mean – so we “win some” at the beginning and then “lose some” in the end…and we are left with a “duped again” feeling.

But the 3rd cat, Archie, always messes things up at first, but then is the sweetest cat you have ever seen. Like when he gets muddy outside and then jumps on our beds and gets them all dirty, but you can’t ever be mad at him.

My boy Sam came up with that saying for our 3rd cat, Archie…”We lose some and then we win some”…and we like it better.

Yours in “Spinning it and Winning it” – Coach