Always stick around.
As we grew up, we needed to learn the stove was hot, and when we lacked poor judgment on our bikes, we paid for it with cuts, scrapes and bruises – and knew it was our fault, and we learned.
In school, we learned that not doing school work or studying properly, we received grades that reflected our neglect, and over time, we understood that when we did better, our grades did too – again we were responsible.
However, some grew up and lost these valuable lessons, taught over and over in our childhood – about things being our own fault or responsibility, an no one else’s. And those are the one who have somehow spun the dial and made them no longer responsible and everyone else’s fault.
If the latter, describes you, you can always “Spin it and Win it” by getting back to you youth and the lessons it taught us.
Yours in “It’s up to Us” – Coach