5 Keys to Reduce Stress

1. Breathe – When we are stressed, our back muscles tighten up in response, not allowing for full expansion of the rib cage, so unless we consciously think about taking some deep breathes from time to time,  we are starving our body of oxygen, continuing the process.

2. Exercise – This let’s us get out of our “heads” for a while, cutting thee stress cycle and getting the body to move like it is supposed to.

3. Relax – Since stress constricts the whole body, including the muscles and the organs, taking “time out” just to relax, does wonders to get the body flowing once again.

4. Turn off electrical devices – In these days of being “connected”, it is important to “disconnect” occasionally, and just “be”…and turn our focus on what really matters.

5. Reduce your load – Being stressed, has a common denominator of being not in control or being overloaded. So reduce your load for a while – and trust that it will still be there, once you are less stressed and more refreshed.

Yours in “Reduce Stress” – Coach