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Eat what tastes good or eat what is good for us??

That is the question… Maybe this year we may want to re-introduce the foods that we used to eat, the way we used to eat them 100 years ago and before?? Many “foods” now are processed and have a shelf life measured in the decades, which does nothing for us except slow us down, pack… Read more »

Waiting in a Doctors office…

In the DMV, or working a booth at a convention…No mater what…5 minutes always seems like an hour. It’s because we are not doing what we want or like, and going against our own flow. On the other end of the scale, when we are in the flow and doing something that we want or… Read more »

Ever walked into…

A candy store, and got super excited by all the different choices of treats, and stoked about the ones that you haven’t seen in a while? Our lives are filled with the same amazing array of choices, even more, and sometimes we don’t see the choices all of the choices because we are focused on… Read more »

Are you abusing…

Yourself like a rental car? If you are, you know that you will wear out sooner than expected and your “trade in” value will not be worth that much. And just like a rental car, no one really wants them in the end. So turn the abuse into caring, and your future will be worth… Read more »

When it comes to giving…

Of ourselves. Sometimes it’s light, sometimes it’s tight, and sometimes it’s right. And depending on what, and how we gave, we know it, and so do others. We would like to think that others don’t know when we are giving light, tight or right…but they do. Yours in “Giving Right” – Coach

Starting to heat up, folks!

There is controversy on how much water one should drink. What I can tell you is that in my 22 years of taking thousands of consultations of new patients which included a health history and what medications they took, the ones that were taking blood thinners and had a host of other health conditions, didn’t… Read more »

There was a lot going on…

In “Jim’s House”. It was in total disaray, with people and things coming in and out and noticable stuff thrown about. that should of been handled long ago. The cool thing is that, Jim picked up a book and inside some words jumped out at him which read, “Your physical house is a relfection of your menal house”. Which… Read more »

Now is the planning part…

We have reflected on last year and dreamed about how we want this year to be, and thought of the “how” to make it better. Now is where the rubber hits the road…this is where making a solid game plan for this year comes in. What do you need to do to make this year… Read more »

All parents know…

Not to give the kids sugar before bedtime. Because kids show the direct relationship with sugary foods – they start bouncing off the walls. It’s a normal response to a sharp increase in blood sugar and it’s also the bodies innate response to burn off the sugar, along with some extra insulin to store the… Read more »

Balancing our lives…

Must not only be for ourselves. Balancing our own lives can be a challenge, but with a little focus, we can accomplish anything. The real challenge that needs to be handled, is including “others”, in part of our deal. Have you recently shut down everything and engaged in some focused communication with those who mean… Read more »