Posts Categorized: Dr Vik’s latest news


Are not meant to stop our dreams. Obstacles are a way to figure out a way around them and a measurement of how bad we want it. – Dr. Vik, The Culture King

To give or not to give…

“Giving” is the only word that is on 2 lists, one list being Positive and the other being Negative: 1. Love, gratitude, hope, dreams, passion, GIVING, etc. 2. Hate, anger, resentment, jealousy, contempt, GIVING, etc. Many people I coach have a challenge with giving too much…time, money, emotion etc. until they feel there is nothing… Read more »

New vs. Old..?

In public, New is the deal. But what about private?? What is your uniform of choice?…you know what I mean…the old outfit you won’t wear in public, but love to wear around the house. These outfits usually have 3 criteria: They are paid for, comfortable and loose, and if someone tries to throw them out,… Read more »


Is the quality or condition of being humble. In life… working as a family or a team, it allows things to get done, as there is no job too big or too small or insignificant for anyone to do. Humility takes the ego and arrogance out of the equation, creating the sum of smooth interaction… Read more »

On a recent plane trip…

I noticed that the Rocky Mountain Range looked really tiny. It’s kind of weird, but when we have a view of the total scene from high above, what we perceive as really big in every day life, looks small. Maybe we should remember that when we have challenges within our lives… Looking from high above… Read more »

Delegate or Stagnate…

Sounds harsh but it’s really not. I’m not just talking about work. It would be nice to delegate “your” work to make your life more simple… But since almost nothing is created alone… I’m talking about delegating not only tasks, but teamwork, success’, acknowledgement and recognition for the greater good of a common goal. –… Read more »


A positive routine is what we all attempt to have in our lives. First comes habit, then pattern and finally routine. So if you need to change your routine to better your life and the lives around you, start with changing or starting a new habit…and the 30 day goal is what works the best…. Read more »


To have your dreams come true… it boils down to the help of others. Have you been helping others so that you own dreams come true? – Dr. Vik, The Culture King

What’s you’re Plan?

Writing, posting or displaying affirmations will be a great reminder on what your plan is. What helped me long ago, when I used to eat until I was stuffed was “Just like the ships that go out to sea, I push my plate away from me”. Yeah, corny, but it worked. Other examples are: “I… Read more »

There is only one color red…

But a world of different shades. The same goes with the people in our lives – they may be limited in number, and we see them as one “color”, but what are the different “shades” that make them up? What are their dreams? What’s their favorite movie or book and why? If they could do… Read more »